5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Lettering

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Lettering

I have been on my lettering journey for over a year and a half now. There are so many things I have learned along the way. Every day, I still learn new things. That's one of the magical parts of the process. To learn things, and apply them.

If you are new to modern calligraphy, it can be overwhelming. As you develop your calligraphy style, you will be amazed at what you learn and create.

Today I have 5 tips for you as you continue to grow your unique calligraphy style, and not discouraged along with way. The 5 things that I wished I would have known..
  1. Not needing all of the supplies

    • When I first started lettering, I would see all these talented calligraphers on Instagram. They had all of these fun lettering tools and it seemed as though I needed all of them too. I would find myself lost in the isles of Michael's dreaming of owning everything. But OMG art supplies are not cheap. How do these girls afford this?! Well, I found myself spending so much money on supplies that I might use one day. Some of these supplies still haven't been touched, and some have been used very rarely.  
    • Buy what you know you will use regularly. Slowly build you modern calligraphy tools, slowly and as needed. 
    • TIP: Michael's sends out coupons all the time! Use your 50% off on those high cost items! 
  2. Not to compare my beginning to somebody else's middle

    • It's so easy to fall into a "I'm not as talented as ________" trap. In fact, this is something I still struggle with. It's important to appreciate where you are in your journey. Comparing will only rob you of your own creativity. You are talented in your own way, so embrace it!
  3. Start practicing with only one lettering medium

    • This goes back to not needing all the supplies. When you are first starting out, and you feel like a kid in a candy store (but you are actually at the craft store) it's easy to impulsively buy things that you don't actually need or are ready to use.
    • When you are first starting out, it's complicated to bounce back and fourth between lettering mediums. Each one is similar but also unique to use. 
    • Once you feel confident with one medium, it can be fun to play with a new medium. But there is a little bit of learning curb.
    • When I first started out, I played with a lot of mediums that I didn't really know how to use. I still wasn't confident with creating letters. It took me longer to learn how to actually brush letter.
  4. To put dates on all my work, to be able to look back and see progress

    • Thanks to Instagram, I have a way to track my progress. But I never dated my pieces. 
    • Tracking progress is a wonderful way to be aware that progress IS being made. Some days it sill feel like I'm not making progress. But when you look back over the months you will SEE the progress right before your eyes. And it's pretty incredible!
  5. It's okay to use practice worksheets

    • It must have been pride, but I felt like I would be less if I used practice sheets. It's kind of silly looking back now. I was absolutely able to teach myself modern brush calligraphy. However, I spent a lot more time than I would have. Using practice sheets as drills, is a great way to learn the muscle memory involved in calligraphy. 
    • If you would like free practice worksheets click here. I send out new ones every month to help keep your lettering skills fresh. Just sign up for my Newsletter. 
    • Practicing your brush lettering, and calligraphy is the only way to get better!
I hope that these tips can help you on your lettering journey. Hopefully, you can learn from some of my silly mistakes. Remember: The Journey is the Destination

Where any of these tips relatable? Have a lettering question? Let me know in the comments, and I will be in touch!!

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